100 Things to Find in a Frozen North Style Tomb


"Now my course is tough:
Death, close sister
of Odin's enemy
stands on the ness:
with resolution
and without remorse
I shall gladly
await my own."
-Sonatorrek, Egill Skallagrímsson

This list features 100 items that might be found in a frozen north or Viking style tomb. Each item presents a fantastic view in to the life, and more importantly afterlife, of the owner of the tomb. From detailed jewelry, to weapons, to carefully preserved texts, you'll find it all here.

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"Now my course is tough:
Death, close sister
of Odin's enemy
stands on the ness:
with resolution
and without remorse
I shall gladly
await my own."
-Sonatorrek, Egill Skallagrímsson

This list features 100 items that might be found in a frozen north or Viking style tomb. Each item presents a fantastic view in to the life, and more importantly afterlife, of the owner of the tomb. From detailed jewelry, to weapons, to carefully preserved texts, you'll find it all here.

"Now my course is tough:
Death, close sister
of Odin's enemy
stands on the ness:
with resolution
and without remorse
I shall gladly
await my own."
-Sonatorrek, Egill Skallagrímsson

This list features 100 items that might be found in a frozen north or Viking style tomb. Each item presents a fantastic view in to the life, and more importantly afterlife, of the owner of the tomb. From detailed jewelry, to weapons, to carefully preserved texts, you'll find it all here.

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