100 Fictional Band Names Part II


Please welcome to the stage...The Charlie Pass Quintet!

Our second list featuring 100 fictional band names focuses on including a wide range of musical styles and inspirations. In this list you'll find band names such as Gabriel y Los Tigres, Technotropic, and Wicker Park Walkup. Band names ranging from those suitable for a classic Motown act, to the newest Celtic rock sensation, to the hottest hip hop group playing in all the clubs are all here

A big thank you to DriveThruRPG reviewer Chris J. for the inspiration for this second list!

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Please welcome to the stage...The Charlie Pass Quintet!

Our second list featuring 100 fictional band names focuses on including a wide range of musical styles and inspirations. In this list you'll find band names such as Gabriel y Los Tigres, Technotropic, and Wicker Park Walkup. Band names ranging from those suitable for a classic Motown act, to the newest Celtic rock sensation, to the hottest hip hop group playing in all the clubs are all here

A big thank you to DriveThruRPG reviewer Chris J. for the inspiration for this second list!

Please welcome to the stage...The Charlie Pass Quintet!

Our second list featuring 100 fictional band names focuses on including a wide range of musical styles and inspirations. In this list you'll find band names such as Gabriel y Los Tigres, Technotropic, and Wicker Park Walkup. Band names ranging from those suitable for a classic Motown act, to the newest Celtic rock sensation, to the hottest hip hop group playing in all the clubs are all here

A big thank you to DriveThruRPG reviewer Chris J. for the inspiration for this second list!

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